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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Roe Fox added to this discussion on July 4, 2018

First, happy July 4th to all. It’s a great country that allows the free expression of all these opinions.

I would caution anyone from jumping to any conclusions. The two named sources of the allegations from wrestlers have extremely questionable backgrounds. See The Mat topic on this as they have links to actual articles, not just the usual lunkhead allegations made there. Clearly monetary interests have been at the forefront of their troubles, along with some acrimony toward TOSU.

Conversely, this isn’t like Nassar. SO FAR, we are only talking about adults, not children. Any statute of limitations to file a lawsuit has to have expired long ago so a lawsuit for these accusers should be unavailable. Nassar’s victims were so young they still could file suits because statute of limitations don’t begin to run until they turned 18. Same with most of Sandusky’s accusers.

I suppose there are always book deals they could be contemplating.

As to other sports being involved, I haven’t heard any specific allegations like the wrestlers have made so I plead ignorance.

The one thing I have real trouble understanding is if that they go in for a hand injury and he supposedly asks them to pull their pants down, they don’t walk out? They don’t bring their claims then if they were assaulted and bring it to light to potentially protect others?

At some point you are an adult and expected to act like one. College is a good place to start.

As to Jordan, like his politics or not, no one has called him a liar before. In my opinion he gets the benefit of the doubt until some more authentic proof is offered. Maybe Hellickson will make a statement. I would take his word seriously.

This is far less clear right now than Nassar and Sandusky. TOSU seems to be doing the right thing.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Mike Holman added to this discussion on July 4, 2018

OSU Wrestling and Sexual Contact Issues

Here is my current analysis of the 20+ year old sexual contact issues involving Dr. Strauss and Ohio State Wrestling and other sports. This is solely my analysis and does not reflect the views of any other person. I WELCOME IMPUT FROM OTHERS, PARTICULARLY THOSE WITH FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE.

I was a practicing lawyer for 38 years. I have tried to be specific with no exaggeration, speculation, or name calling. As a lawyer, I have carefully parsed the words used, being careful to refer exactly to what people said. I think that is vitally important where reputations are at issue.

I believe that that Dr. Strauss probably was guilty of repeated acts of “sexual imposition”, as defined in the Ohio Revised Code. There are many defined acts of sexual misconduct. “Sexual imposition” is one of them. In terms of severity, it is the least severe. I have provided a reference to the Chapter of the Ohio Revised Code on sexual crimes so you make your own determination.

My current analysis is based on articles in the Columbus Dispatch, a WOSU interview with Mike DiSabato, the video produced by Mike DiSabato, i.e., The Scarlet X, and a CNN article.

Here is my current analysis.

• Dr. Strauss probably was gay
• Dr. Strauss allegedly conducted unnecessary examinations of many athletes’ genitalia.
• Dr. Strauss took showers with athletes, including more than one shower a day
• Gays observed athletes in the shower and sauna in Larkins Hall
• Gays were observed masturbating in Larkins Hall
• Russ Hellickson talked to Dr. Strauss and told Dr. Strauss that Dr. Strauss was “too hands on”
• Russ Hellickson complained about the “environment” and complained to Fred Beckman about “it”.
• Mike DiSabato wrote a paper about the sexual abuse on campus for his Masters.

Important but ambiguous or missing.

The specifics about who complained to whom about what, and when they complained are ambiguous or missing.

For example, the CNN article stated, “In the video that DiSabato made about the allegations against Strauss, which DiSabato sent to Ohio State in June, Hellickson, the former head wrestling coach, said he told school administrators about Strauss and also warned the doctor to steer clear of his wrestlers.”

The CNN article is not true. In the Scarlet X, which I replayed multiple times Russ Hellickson said, “Talked to all of them [administrators] about my discontent with the environment. Had a lot of conversations with Fred Beckman about it.”

I assume Russ Hellickson did complain about Dr. Strauss. Russ, however, needs to clarify what he said, to whom he said it, when he said it, what the administrators said and did (if anything) in response, and how he followed up to address his concerns and to protect his wrestlers.

Because reputations are at issue, it is vitally important that not only Russ but anyone who has claimed “sexual abuse” be specific with respect to what was done to them, when it was done, when they complained, and what they said in making their complaints.

In considering Dr. Strauss’ conduct it should not be conflated with Jerry Sandusky’s and Dr. Larry Narrar’s conduct. It is a matter of degree. In this regard, I note that none of the head coaches in the many sports involved called the police to report Dr. Strauss. The coaches either were unaware of Dr. Strauss’ conduct or did not consider it serious enough to contact the police.

Under Section 2921.22 of the Ohio Revised Code, any person with knowledge of a serious crime, i.e., a felony, is required to report the crime to law enforcement authorities. The failure to report a felony is a crime, i.e., a misdemeanor.

What was not done.

Based on the current information available to me, there is no evidence of rape, sodomy, drugging, or “sexual conduct” as defined in the Ohio Revised Code. There is no evidence of Dr. Strauss engaged in “sexual conduct” with a minor in the OSU shower, similar to Jerry Sandusky at Penn State, or engaged in sexual conduct with minors similar to Dr. Larry Nassar. This is not intended to downplay what Dr. Strauss did, but to point out the differences, which are legally important.

The Law.

Dr. Strauss probably would be guilty of “Sexual Imposition”. Section 2907.06 of the Ohio Revised Code, which defines “sexual imposition”, provides:

(A) No person shall have sexual contact with another, not the spouse of the offender… when any of the following applies [emphasis added]:

(1) The offender knows that the sexual contact is offensive to the other person ... or is reckless in that regard.
(B) No person shall be convicted of a violation of this section solely upon the victim's testimony unsupported by other evidence.

(C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of sexual imposition, a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Note that “Sexual contact” as used in Section 2907.06 its defined as:

(B) "Sexual contact" means any touching of an erogenous zone of another, including without limitation the thigh, genitals, buttock, pubic region, or, if the person is a female, a breast, for the purpose of sexually arousing or gratifying either person.

“Sexual conduct” is treated much more harshly under the law than “sexual contact”. “Sexual conduct” is defined in Section 2907 (A) and includes, “vaginal intercourse between a male and female; anal intercourse, fellatio, and cunnilingus between persons regardless of sex….”

Sexual Imposition is a misdemeanor of the third degree. Under the Ohio Revised Code there is no duty to report a misdemeanor. There is a duty to report a felony. The University may have different rules and regulations.

Under the sentencing law, Section 2929.24 of the Ohio Revised Code, persons convicted on misdemeanors of the third degree are subject to “not more than six days” in jail. For multiple counts, the period could be extended.

Dr. Strauss is dead. Even if he was alive, the statute of limitations would have run.

You can Google “ORC Chapter 2907” and get a complete list of sex crimes.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Rick Wasmer added to this discussion on July 4, 2018

Very informative.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

Quote from Mark Cummings's post:


Quote from Brady Hiatt's post:

"Unbelievable. Literally."

A conveniently timed political hit job on the likely successor to the Speaker of the House."

One has nothing to do with the other in my opinion.

Last edited by Hank Kornblut on July 5, 2018; edited 1 time in total

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Don Bork added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

Well said Hank!

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Reed Vetovitz added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

It's important to remember that any news that doesn't paint the GOP in a positive light is fake.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

People were victimized.

I really don't think anyone who has stepped forward has done so with the intention of derailing anyone's political career.

I recognize that the individual most often quoted on this topic is, to put it lightly, a loose cannon. That's unfortunate.

Let's hope the truth comes out and that measures are put in place to prevent this type of thing from happening again.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Freddy Carr added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

Yeah, moreso than a political hit, this kinda smells like a potential money grab? Yetts has a history as well.

Almost feels like after the huge payouts in the MSU case, some might see an opportunity? Just a thought.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Mike Holman added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

Money grab. I think that is the motive. In Mike DiSabato’s, The Scarlett X, Mr. Garrett delivered the punchline at the end. He said it is, “Time for the University to do the right thing by all the people affected.” In my opinion this is the motive for the sexual abuse claims now being made. Money. The Scarlett X was up on YouTube. It has since been removed.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Justin Hayes added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:

"People were victimized."

People were POSSIBLY victimized?

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on July 5, 2018

Quote from Justin Hayes's post:


Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:

"People were victimized."

People were POSSIBLY victimized?"

I believe at this point we have to say that. But I believe there will come a day that Hank's point will be revealed. I hope - for all parties involved - I am wrong.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Matt Schein added to this discussion on July 6, 2018

true or not, this is going to get ugly. highly doubt there will be any "winners" in this.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Joe Kinzel added to this discussion on July 6, 2018

This is a disturbing story.
I read a couple of the emails sent to Congressman Jordan by the former wrestler. Referring to him (MD) as a “loose cannon” may be too kind.
I believe this is probably a money grab. However, to suggest that either the former wrestler or the mainstream media isn’t capable of understanding the political ramifications of this by suggesting Representative Jordan turned a blind eye is naive at best.
Getting to know the Jordan family through wrestling and following the Congressman’s career for many years now, I would say turning a blind eye to this sort of abuse is highly unlikely. Again, this is just my opinion. The man isn’t one to keep quiet about this for fear of rocking the boat. Especially alledged abuse of this nature. It runs counter to everything I know about the man and what he believes strongly in.
Just my two cents.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Mike Holman added to this discussion on July 6, 2018

My letter to the Editor of the Dispatch. Do not know if they will publish it.

There Was No Sexual Abuse of Wrestlers at Ohio State

There was no sexual abuse of wrestlers at The Ohio State University. “Sexual abuse” is “the infliction of sexual contact upon a person by forcible compulsion’’.

Based on the known facts, Jim Jordan is entirely correct, when he says no one complained to him about “sexual abuse”, because there was none.

The loose use of terms and conflating serious felonies with Dr. Strauss’ conduct is the heart of the problem. But that is the environment we live in today. It exists because of Jerry Sandusky’s and Larry Nassars’ serious sex crimes, felonies, committed against minors. Felonies for which each of them will spend the rest of his life in prison.

This is not what happened at Ohio State. Dr. Strauss did not commit any serious sex crimes.

To claim that Dr. Strauss was guilty of “sexual abuse” is ludicrous. Dr. Strauss was thin, a quiet wisp of a man. There is no way that Dr. Strauss could have forcibly inflicted sexual conduct on any of the wrestlers. .

Dr. Strauss, who probably was a closet gay man, evidently often required wrestlers and other athletes to drop their pants/shorts when he examined them. If this was a valid medical examination, e.g., for skin diseases, it would have been proper. For the examination to constitute a minor crime, Dr. Strauss would have had to have touched the athlete’s genitalia and had the requisite intent.

No one, no coach or athlete, in the many sports Dr. Strauss served thought Dr. Strauss was guilty of any serious crime, i.e., a felony. If they did, then under Ohio law, they would have been required to report the crime to law enforcement. Failure to report is itself a crime.

Did wrestlers and others complain to Head Wrestling Coach Russ Hellickson that Dr. Strauss required them to drop their pants? Yes. But dropping your pants or conducting a medical examination and touching the athlete’s genitalia is not sexual abuse. At worst, if Dr. Strauss touched the wrestler’s genitalia, it would be a misdemeanor depending on Dr. Strauss’ intent.

In response to his wrestlers’ complaints, Head Wrestling Coach, Russ Hellickson acted. He confronted Dr. Strauss and told the doctor that wrestlers were complaining that Dr. Strauss was too hands on. Evidently Dr. Strauss gave an acceptable explanation, which would have been easy for a doctor to do and difficult for a lay person to challenge.

Jim Jordan and his family are people of the highest integrity. There is no way he could have know of any “sexual abuse” because there was none.

I am a retired attorney. I wrestled in high school and college. I have been involved with or closely followed Ohio State Wrestling for 40+ years.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State - Dr Richard Strauss
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on July 6, 2018

Strongly disagree with Mike Holman's letter. I have talked to enough people to know that they were molested. Some of them read this forum.

As to what Jordan and Hellickson did or didn't know....or do....we'll find out.

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